Henzy Tanrien-Sawyer
(Dip.Couns; PNCPS Acc.) Counselling Service
Bromley Kent, Greater London & UK

Specialist Areas

  • Abuse & Trauma 
  • Childhood issues
  • Couples & Relationship issues
  • Christian Therapy
  • Cognitive behaviours & thought patterns 
  • Psychosexual Therapy
  • Clinical Supervision


Other Generic Areas I work with:

  • Trauma & Abuse
  • Anger, Anxiety, Depression & Stress
  • Self-Harm, Attachment issues
  • Low Self-Esteem, Cultural and Identity issues, Body Image & Colourism
  • Relationship breakdown, Family Conflict & Divorce
  • Couples counselling & Marital issues
  • Psychosexual Therapy - Sex Problems, Erectile Dysfunction
  • Pre-Marital Counselling
  • Neurodiversity
  • Career Issues 
  • Bereavement, Grief & Loss
  • Men & Women's Issues
  • Christian Counselling & Mentorship
  • Infidelity 
  • Work related issues & Personal Development


What I DONOT offer
Advice, Conversion Therapy, Crime, Violence, Criminal Justice or LGBTQ and Gender / Sexuality issues.

Opening Times

  • Mondays - Fridays 10am - 8pm


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