Henzy Tanrien-Sawyer
(Dip.Couns; PNCPS Acc.) Counselling Service
Bromley Kent, Greater London & UK

Christian Corner

Below is a link to my youtube christian channel filled with biblical teachings of scripture, encouragement and

mental well-being God's way.


Click here: HTSawyer Ministries



  • Please be advised that I am a Christian Counsellor offering therapy to both Christians and Non-faith.
  • Videos and reflections posted on this section only, are independent from therapy or counselling service offered.
  • This section is for people seeking Christian understanding, spiritual growth and a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • You are responsible for your own interpretation and understanding of the contents of the christian materials posted on this website.

    Biblical Mentorship Videos
    "My Thoughts are not....."
    How to start your day with a Prayer

    House of Thoughts
    As I meditated, I thought to myself. It is a constant battle for us humans to identify negative and positive thoughts and differentiate which is actually ours or that nagging voice from the past or present. It can sometimes feel like the good and bad fighting to gain dominance with a persistent pressure on one's mind that sometimes seem too much to bear. Learning to identify your thoughts and filtering them in order to have a clear view, may sometimes feel challenging. You are not alone if your feel that way. Writing down your thoughts as they occur may help you identify them, noticing any feelings you have as you write them down to reflect on.
    Written by Henzy Tanrien-Sawyer


The Prince of Peace

The still small voice
You have been very busy today haven’t you? You’ve gone about your own business, but I have been standing by your side waiting, trying to speak to you but you did not listen to me or hear me. You woke up this morning and I was at your bedside hoping to hear your voice speak to me but you ignored me and walked passed me. I saw today when you gathered with your friends and talked about your problems but you never acknowledged me standing; calling you to give me your burdens. I have whispered in your ear my love for you so many times but you failed once more to notice me.

I am Jesus Christ. It is I that died for your sins to set you free from the powers of Satan. For all mankind has sinned and are separated from my holiness (Romans 3.33) and it is only in me that true freedom and life is found. The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy but I have come to give you life in plenty (John 10.10). I stand knocking at the door of your heart. If you will believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that I am Lord over your life and died for you while you were still a sinner, only then can you be saved and set free from eternal destruction.

I am waiting on you right now to call on me and I will come live in your heart and help you because I love you and know everything about you. It is me Jesus Christ Son of the Living God. To know more about Christ, text or WhatsApp : The Prince of Peace to 07882014413.


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